Trauma and attachment informed family placements for children and young people with complex needs

Your Views, Wishes & Feelings

Your views, how you feel about things, and what you want to happen, are very important to us. We will take your views into account when we are thinking about which fostering family might be right for you. We will also listen to what you have to say about your placement, the rules you have to follow, the things that you want to do such as activities, seeing your family and friends, your school, your health and your wishes for the future. Sometimes we might not be able to act on your wishes and feelings, and if this is the case your foster carer, family support worker and social worker will explain why. The most important thing for us is that you are happy, and this means we will always listen to you!
Your Rights
You have lots of rights, and we will help you to understand what these are and how you can do something about it if you don’t feel your rights are being respected. You have the right to be safe and protected from harm. You have the right to complain about things if you aren’t happy. You have the right to a good standard of care. You have the right to an education, and to be healthy. You have the right to tell people what your views and feelings are. You have the right to make friends, to participate in activities and have hobbies, and to do things that you enjoy. You have the right to be proud of your name and your culture and your heritage. You have the right to see information that people record about you. You have the right to relationships with members of your family and others who are important to you. You also have to respect everyone else’s rights!