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Links for Foster Carers & Staff

Net aware, your guide to the social networks your kids use.


Stay up to date and keep your child safe in today's digital world

Kids Who Foster  Website for the children of families who foster.

FosterTalk  Independent support services for foster carers.

PRICE Protecting Rights in a Caring Environment.  All of our primary (and where possible, secondary) foster carers are trained in behaviour management and low-level physical intervention by our own PRICE qualified instructors.

PRICE is fully accredited by BILD (the British Institute of Learning Disabilities).

BASW The British Association of Social Workers.  The UK professional association for social work, with 14,000 members.  The BASW Code of Ethics forms part of the Phoenix Code of Practice.

SCIE The Social Care Institute for Excellence.  An independent charity working with social work services and related organisations (e.g. health and housing) in order to identify good and effective practice, and to provide practical resources, learning materials and services.  

Community Care News, jobs and practice issues for everyone involved in social work or social care.   

Life Coach Directory can assist young people (and carers!) to achieve goals, improve motivation, self-esteem and confidence, and help to manage problems such as bullying by enabling insight, building resilience, teaching assertiveness and management strategies, and empowering young people to take control.

Counselling Directory  A comprehensive, nationwide directory of professional counsellors and psychotherapists.  The website also has clear, accessible sections on different types of difficulties that people experience, different types of therapy, articles, facts and figures and events local to you.

Educate against hate gives teachers, 

parents and school leaders practical advice and information on protecting children from extremism and 


Thinkuknow resources, helping to keep kids safe online


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Rehab 4 Addiction is a national helpline designed to help employers when key staff members are affected by addiction.  Rehab 4 Addiction offers a free service, and we will help you make a claim against your insurance for treatment costs.

Ofsted The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills.  The independent regulatory body responsible for inspecting and monitoring all fostering agencies.

The Department for Education  The government department responsible for education and children's services.  All of the documents comprising the regulatory and best practice frameworks for fostering service providers can be found here.

TSD  Sets the training, support and development standards that all foster carers must achieve within certain timeframes.

CEOP  The Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre.  Lots of information about how to keep kids safe, including the internet and other technologies.

Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board  This is the safeguarding board that is local to Phoenix and it also covers the children and young people placed with our Herefordshire carers.  

Other children and young people placed with Phoenix foster carers are covered by Worcestershire Safeguarding Children BoardShropshire Safeguarding Children Board...

WhereCanWeGo is a service that aims to make everyone aware of the tremendous variety of events happening all round the country, often just a short distance from home.

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