Trauma and attachment informed family placements for children and young people with complex needs

Foster Siblings (birth or adopted children of Foster Carers)
We have launched our Foster Siblings Project!
Our project goals are:
For foster siblings to be recognised as an integral part of the team around the foster child.
For foster siblings to be included in the fostering process from application.
For foster siblings to have access to tailored information and support.
For foster siblings to have the opportunity to participate in support in a variety of methods to ensure they can participate at a level they feel comfortable.
Foster siblings’ wishes and feelings should be heard and valued as important contributions to providing good holistic interventions for foster families.
To acknowledge the specific challenges for foster carers with birth or adopted children, and provide tailored information and support from application.
To develop a training programme that adapts to the needs of the foster carers and foster siblings in agency.
Fostering Stories from external sources
Tia's story - National Fostering Group
“Foster children can feel more comfortable knowing there is another young person in the house. Being closer in age, they may be more willing to open up to me sometimes than an adult.
“I’ve got along with every child we’ve fostered although I feel more at ease with some than others.
“It’s never their fault if things are difficult and sometimes it’s just the fact that they’ve not been here long enough for me to really get to know them.”
Nia from the video on the left has answered 7 questions often asked about being a #FosterSibling
My family foster (Child's View)
From Hampshire County Council
We would love your feedback:
We would like to know what you would like to see on this page - please send ideas to abbieharrold@phoenixfostering.co.uk
What advice you would give to other birth children of foster carers & future foster carers & how has your experience been?
What would you say to the birth children of people thinking about fostering?
I would say don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need help. - S (birth child of Foster Carer)