Trauma and attachment informed family placements for children and young people with complex needs

Remember: Hands, Space, Face
Government guidance on social or community care and residential settings
NHS self-isolation advice, do you need to self-isolate?
Gov.uk stay at home guidance, aimed at people who have symptoms, or live with someone who does
Scope - Homeschooling during lockdown
BBC - Lockdown lessons for homeschooling
BBC - How families can cope with self-isolation together
Exercising at home with Diana Moran or Chris Hemsworth or Davina
Free Meditation from Calm & Headspace
Coronavirus - a book for children - audible for kids - explaining germs - this book was published before kids were back at school

Activities to do together at home
treasure Hunt - hide an object in the house.
make play dough or salt dough
fashion show clothing (You can have a clear out if needed too!)
look through photos together
baking (if you can get the ingredients!)
lego building challenge
draw pictures of each other
try out some new hair styles
make some cards for any upcoming events
paper planes competitions
tower building competition (you can use blocks, toilet roll, or anything)
keep a balloon in the air for as long as you can
make up an exercise routine
make motivational posters
do a yoga class together, (check YouTube if you don't own any)
any suggestions, or want to show off some photos of things you have been up to (on our portal) let me know at: abbieharrold@phoenixfostering.co.uk
Educational Websites
twinkl - online and printable education material from EYFS to KS4 which now has a parents hub and is free to sign up during COVID-19 school closures using the code UKTWINKLHELPS.
Oxford Owl- an online library of interactive books and activities, as well as other printable English and Maths resources from EYFS to Year 6.
Phonics Play - interactive phonics games and printable phonics resources from EYFS.
Letters and Sounds - free printable resources for the Letters and Sounds phonics programme suitable from EYFS.
First 4 Maths - free downloadable maths activities for primary aged children from EYFS to KS2.
CBeebies numeracy games - Suitable for EYFS / Reception / Year 1.
Ed Shed - online literacy and maths education resources. Ed Shed is the home of The Literacy Shed, Literacy Shed Plus, Spelling Shed and Maths Shed. Resources available from EYFS to KS2.
Top Marks - online education resources and games covering all subjects of the curriculum. Also tablet friendly. From EYFS onwards.
Maths Playground - online maths games. From KS1 to Year 7.
White Rose Maths - White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-8.
The Muddy Puddle Teacher - outdoor learning ideas.
Previous SATS Papers - free downloadable SATS papers from previous years to use as practice papers.
Free audible children stories, which will be free for as long as the schools are closed.
These include Winnie-the-Pooh & Timeless Tales of Beatrix Potter
videos get kids moving to be their strongest, bravest, silliest, smartest, bestest selves. Over 14 million kids each month are dancing, stretching, running, jumping, deep breathing, and wiggling.
The Body Coach TV half an hour P.E lessons each weekday morning live streaming at 9 am, or you can watch the videos at any time, wherever PE fits into your home-school schedule. - PE with Joe has finished but you can still go back and rewatch the videos!

Helen's friend Sylvie is posting daily craft sessions, find her on youtube her channel name is Irish Scrapper.
This video is from AC education look out for their creative at home series.