Trauma and attachment informed family placements for children and young people with complex needs

If you want advice about particular issues or problems, you can always ask your Foster Carer or your Family Support Worker. If you would rather not do this, there are plenty of other people you can contact, and some of these are including in the list of useful contacts at the end of this guide.
Sometimes young people want to talk to someone who doesn’t work for social services or for Phoenix. One of the options you have is to contact someone called an advocate. Advocates are completely independent people who can offer support and advice, and who will tell other people what you think, how you feel and what you want to happen. They are just there to support you, and they will tell other people exactly what you ask them to.
If you would like an advocate, you can ask your Foster Carer or your Family Support Worker. Or you can contact an advocate on your own. The details are different depending on where you live.

Advocacy services for Young People
Worcestershire - Wyre Forest: 01562 820078, Bromsgrove/Redditch: 01527 520809, South Worcestershire: 01905 27525, National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), 3rd Floor, 9 Broad Street, Worcester, WR1 3LH. Tel No: 01905 617 975
Herefordshire - Hear Me is the advocacy service for children and young people in Herefordshire, if you're in foster care or need protection. The service is confidential and independent and hosted by Herefordshire Council. 01432 383113
Shropshire - Children’s Advocacy & Representation Service (CARS) children&youngpeople@shropshire.gov.uk 0345 678 9008 - Shropshire Council, Children and Young People’s Services, The Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8HQ
Wales - MEIC www.meiccymru.org 080880 23456 (free) Text 84001 Chat online or email There are lots of advocacy services in Wales and MEIC will be able to tell you where your nearest service is.