Trauma and attachment informed family placements for children and young people with complex needs

Useful Contacts
Your Rights
You can find information about your rights and have your say about living in foster care by contacting the Children’s Rights Director for England.
You can write to the Director at:
Office of the Children’s Rights Director
Aviation House
125 Kingsway
Or you can call the free phone number 0800 528 0731
Or you can visit the website www.Rights4Me.org
If you have a complaint about a local government service, such as social services, benefits or education, you can contact the local government Ombudsman.
You can write to:
Local Government Ombudsman
PO Box 4771
Or you can call 0300 061 0614
Or you can text ‘call back’ to 0762 480 4299
Or you can email advice@lgo.org.uk
Or you can visit the website www.lgo.org.uk and download the complaints leaflet for young people
If you have a complaint about Phoenix, or any aspect of your care, or if you want to give some feedback, you can contact the Chief Inspector of Ofsted. Ofsted inspects Phoenix regularly to ensure that it is meeting standards for young people.
You can write to:
Chief Inspector, Ofsted
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Or you can call 0300 123 1231 between 8.00am - 6.45pm, Monday - Friday
Or you can email enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
You can visit the Ofsted website at www.ofsted.gov.uk
The registration number of Phoenix Fostering is: SC357652
Kidscape is an excellent organisation with a website containing loads of information about bullying. They provide help and advice and lots of useful links in your area.
Child Protection
To get support and advice about child abuse and child protection, you can contact the following agencies:
Free phone: 0800 800 5000
Child Line
Free Phone: 0800 1111
Living in or Leaving Care
An advocacy and support service for children and young people living in and leaving care is:
Voice Freefone: 0808 8005792
Email: info@voiceyp.org
The Who Cares? Trust also has lots of advice and information for young people living in care and care Leavers:
Leading our Lives is the Fostering Network’s website for fostered children young people:
Phoenix Fostering
Queens Meadow
01568 771961