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Your Social Worker

Every young person living in foster care has their own social worker. Your social worker is responsible for keeping you safe and making decisions about what should happen. Your social worker will talk to you and everyone who is important to you, so that they know what your wishes and feelings are. Your social worker will visit you within one week of your placement starting with a Phoenix foster carer. They will then visit every six weeks for the first year of your placement, and at least every three months if you stay longer than a year.

Your Care Plan

Your social worker will work with Phoenix to put together a plan for you. This is your Care Plan. Your Care Plan contains information about you, and all the things we need to know so that we can look after you properly. Your feelings and views should also be part of it.

Your Reviews

Your Care Plan will be regularly talked about and updated at Review meetings. You will be invited to these meetings, as well as all the professionals working with you. Review meetings are run by an Independent Reviewing Officer. You will have the opportunity to tell the meeting what your views, wishes and feelings are, whether this is verbally or in writing. If it is easier, we can show the meeting a video of you talking about your reviews, or your foster carer or family support worker can talk instead.


Records & Information

When you live with a Phoenix foster carer, we keep a file with information about you and your life while you are with us. Your foster carer and family support worker also keep a record of how you are doing. Your can see this information whenever you like - we will be happy to share it with you and explain it to you. All of the information we keep about you is confidential. The only people who see it are people working for Phoenix or other professionals who are working with you.

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