Trauma and attachment informed family placements for children and young people with complex needs

Your Foster Carers
Phoenix chooses its foster carers very carefully, to make sure that they are responsible people who can keep young people safe, and meet their needs. All of our foster carers get lots of support and supervision, and have to do regular training about how to look after young people properly.
We do everything we can to place you with the best foster carer for you. We take into consideration everything you have told us or your social worker about what you want and need, as well as the skills and circumstances of our foster carers, before we make this decision.
Unless your placement with Phoenix is in an emergency, we will give you plenty of information about your foster carer and their home before you arrive. Wherever possible, you will be able to meet your foster carers before you move in with them.
All of our foster homes are comfortable, welcoming and safe. You will always have your own bedroom if you come to live with a Phoenix foster carer.
Your Foster Placement
This is what some young people living in care have to say about their foster carers:
“My foster carers have been the closest thing to parents I have had” (C, 14)
“If I have to be in care, I want to be with them” (J, 15)
“My foster carers make me calmer and freer, in my life and in my head” (K, 12)
“My room is lovely I feel safe and happy. I think she is the best carer” (R, 13)
“Since I have lived with my foster family, I feel happy, involved and part of a secure family. I feel more positive about my future and have decided what I would like to do when I am older” (P, 15)